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Yoga and Wisdom through the 5 Elements

Many traditional systems of healing and cosmology, (such as Yoga, Ayurveda, & Native American Spirituality)  believe that a deep understanding of our natural world and her elements is absolutely necessary if we are to understand anything about life, creation, transformation and self-realization. 

In these workshops, we will be delving into the five elements of the natural world—earth, water, fire, air & ether—which are the building blocks of everything that makes up our universe. These elements are represented in our bodies, minds and energy systems, therefore, as we learn to work with them, we are learning how to create balance and harmony within ourselves and within our world. 

For this series, I am offering 4 workshops that allow us to explore each of the elements through a yoga posture sequence, breathwork, mental focus and meditation.  Hopefully you can come to all 4! But it is completely appropriate to pick and choose the workshops that best fit your schedule and your needs. Ultimately, the intention is for you to leave these workshops being able to honestly say, “I feel more at peace because I am more in tune with my natural world.” 

Details on each workshop below:

$40 each workshop or $130 for all by 2/7, $150 after 2/7


Workshop 1 : Earth, Get Grounded

Friday February 28th, 6 - 8:30 pm

In this workshop we will explore the element of earth. Earth is solid, dense, grounding and stable.  Earth is present in the bones and muscles of the body (ananamayakosha). The yoga practice will include:

  • Balancing postures with a focus on foundation, building stability, strength, endurance, concentration & focus.

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Discussion

Leave feeling grounded, balanced and calm.

Workshop 2 : Water, Flow

Saturday February 29th, 11 am - 1:30 pm

In this workshop we will explore the element of water. Water is fluid, mobile, adaptable, nourishing, purifying and connecting.  Water is represented in the fluids of the body which circulate nutrients, hormones, blood cells, oxygen, and lubrication throughout. Water has the capacity to soothe all pain and inflammation. Water forms the energy sheath (pranamayakosha) which moves breath and energy. It helps us to soften and become more receptive. The yoga practice will include:

  • Flowing sequence of postures with a focus on slow movement and compassionate connection to the body. A practice that promotes mobility of the spine.

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Discussion

Leave feeling flexible and nourished in body and mind.  Notice a sense of love and connection.

Workshop 3 : Fire – Transform

Saturday February 29th, 3:00 - 5:30 pm

In this workshop we will explore the element of fire.  Fire represents creation, light, heat, luster, energy, understanding, metabolism, and the power of transformation. It is related to the brain and nervous system, digestive system, thoughts, emotions, and obsessions (manomayakosha). The yoga practice will include:

  • Poses that build heat with a focus on twists and core.  Using the transforming quality of will and focus to move through stuck emotions and patterns.

  • Breathwork

  • Meditation

  • Discussion

Expect to leave feeling warm and happy; energized and clear about what you want to create.

Workshop 4 : Air and Ether,  Aware and Free

Sunday March 1st, 11 am - 1:30 pm

In this workshop we will explore both the elements of air and ether (space). 

Air is invisible like the wind. Air is light, formless, dry, cold, and mobile. Air is the potential within space that becomes active and moves when force is applied. It is associated with positivity, freedom and openness. Air flows freely through a body and mind that have cultivated an attitude of surrender, an attitude of faith in both self and the divine. In the body, air is represented by the respiratory process, nerve impulses, and the wisdom sheath (vijnanamayakosha).

Ether is referred to as space, and its qualities are vast, spacious, expansive, subtle, pervasive, and limitless. It is the element that encompasses all the other elements. Ether is the essence of emptiness, omnipresence. It is the space between the cells in the body, the hollow spaces in the intestines, blood vessels, bladder and lungs, the bliss sheath (anandamayakosha), our true nature and oneness with all known and unknown.

The yoga practice will include: 

  • A purifying moving practice encompassing all of the elements and ending with observation of the relationship between thought, breath and experience. 

  • Because of the nature of these elements there will be more time dedicated to breathwork & meditation than given in the previous workshops.

  • Discussion

This practice will leave you feeling alert, awake, aware, open, creative, and content. You’ll breathe deeply and evenly and have an unwavering presence in the now with a heart filled with grace and beauty.

Earlier Event: February 19
Samadhi 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Later Event: August 26
Sacred Journey in Nature